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Wednesday 28 September 2016

The ABC Model to dynamic risk management / Y Model ABC ar gyfer rheoli risg deinamig

The ABC Model to 
dynamic risk management

This guidance paper provides a summary of a detailed risk-benefit assessment that considers common but potentially hazardous play behaviours displayed by children during staffed play sessions.

Play Wales, in partnership with Simon Bazley (Playful Futures), worked with Wrexham’s Play Development Team to develop an approach to behaviour based risk-benefit assessment.  Further work between the play development team and staff from The Land adventure playground has led to the development of The ABC Model for the Dynamic Risk Management of Common but Potentially Hazardous Play Behaviours.

The guidance paper is intended to support dynamic risk assessment by practitioners when working with playing children. It recognises that, whilst children’s play behaviours can be complex and present themselves in many different forms, the ways in which serious harm might occur are likely to be similar across different forms of behaviour. For example, the ways injury could occur, and the factors that practitioners need to take into consideration, are likely to be similar whether children are climbing a tree, swinging on a rope or sliding down a mud bank.

As a result we have developed guidance to support risk-benefit assessment that can be applied to a wide range of behaviours – rather than having many different activity-based assessments that in practice duplicate one another. This guidance is intended to complement other risk-benefit assessment systems.

It is written by Mike Barclay (Wrexham Play Development team), Simon Bazley (Playful Futures) and Dave Bullough (The Land) and published by Play Wales.

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Y Model ABC ar gyfer 
rheoli risg deinamig


Mae’r papur cyfarwyddyd yma’n cyflwyno crynodeb o asesiad risg-budd manwl sy’n ystyried ymddygiadau chwarae cyffredin, ond allai fod yn beryglus, y bydd plant yn eu harddangos yn ystod sesiynau chwarae wedi eu staffio.

Gweithiodd Chwarae Cymru, mewn partneriaeth gyda Simon Bazley (Playful Futures), â Thîm Datblygu Chwarae Wrecsam i ddatblygu dull asesu risg-budd ar sail ymddygiad. Yn sgîl gwaith pellach gan y tîm datblygu chwarae a staff maes chwarae antur The Land, datblygwyd y Model ABC ar gyfer rheoli risg deinamig yng nghyswllt ymddygiad chwarae cyffredin a all fod yn beryglus. 

Bwriedir i’r papur canllaw yma gefnogi asesu risg deinamig gan ymarferwyr wrth weithio gyda phlant sy’n chwarae. Mae'n cydnabod, er y gall ymddygiad chwarae plant fod yn gymhleth a chymryd sawl ffurf wahanol, ei bod hi'n debygol y bydd yr union ffyrdd y gallai niwed difrifol ddigwydd yn debyg ar draws gwahanol fathau o ymddygiad. Er enghraifft, mae’r ffyrdd y gallai anaf ddigwydd, a’r ffactorau y bydd angen i ymarferwyr eu hystyried, yn debygol o fod yn debyg waeth os yw’r plentyn yn dringo coeden, siglo ar raff neu’n llithro i lawr torlan fwdlyd.

O ganlyniad rydym wedi datblygu cyfarwyddyd i gefnogi asesu risg-budd y gellir ei ddefnyddio gydag ystod eang o ymddygiad yn hytrach na llawer o asesiadau ar sail gweithgaredd sydd, ar lefel ymarferol, yn dyblygu ei gilydd. Bwriedir i’r papur cyfarwyddyd yma ategu systemau asesu risg-budd eraill.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Mike Barclay (Tîm Datblygu Chwarae Wrecsam), Simon Bazley (Playful Futures) a Dave Bullough (The Land) ac fe’i cyhoeddwyd gan Chwarae Cymru.

Lawrlwytho | Gweld ar-lein

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