submitting articles for this site

If you wish to have any news relating to services for children and their families published onto this site please forward items to PAVO via email: Preferably send attachments in Word or publisher rather than pdf format.

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See our Sister Blog: PAVO Powys Play Partnership -

Friday 11 December 2015


 Young people's participation in Wales today -
what does it look like?

Saturday, 5 March 2016; 9.45am - 3.30pm
Mercure Holland House Hotel, Cardiff 
The overall aims of the conference will be to explore young people's understanding of participation, their aspirations and identifying opportunities for the wider and more meaningful participation of young people in Wales.

There will also be an active Market Place where young people from forums, groups, schools and partner organisations will be showcasing the work they are involved in locally, and to highlight their key messages for Welsh Government.  We are inviting you to participate in the market place and to bring along a presentation/posters/display materials. For further details about the market place please email:

Initially, spaces will be allocated for three young people and up to two workers from each forum/group. Depending on demand, this may be reviewed nearer the date of the conference.

To reserve your place, please visit our website at:


Cynhadledd Flynyddol 
Cymru Ifanc
Cyfranogiad pobl ifanc yng Nghymru heddiw - 
sut beth yw e?

Dydd Sadwrn, 5 Mawrth 2016; 9.45yb - 3.30yp
Gwesty Mercure Holland House, Caerdydd 

Nodau cyffredinol y gynhadledd fydd archwilio dealltwriaeth pobl ifanc o gyfranogiad, eu dyheadau, a chanfod cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru gyfranogi'n ehangach ac mewn modd mwy ystyrlon.
Bydd hefyd Farchnadle gweithredol lle bydd pobl ifanc o fforymau, grwpiau, ysgolion a sefydliadau partner yn arddangos y gwaith maen nhw'n ymwneud ag e ar lefel leol, ac yn amlygu eu prif negeseuon i Lywodraeth Cymru.  Dyma wahoddiad i chi fod yn rhan o'r marchnadle, a dod â chyflwyniad/posteri/
deunydd arddangos. I gael rhagor o fanylion am y farchnadle, anfonwch 

I gychwyn, bydd llefydd yn cael eu neilltuo ar gyfer tri pherson ifanc a hyd at ddau weithiwr o bob fforwm/grwp. Yn dibynnu ar y galw, gellir adolygu hyn yn nes at ddyddiad y gynhadledd.

I gadw lle, ewch i'n gwefan: